1. The New World of Martin Cortes
Author: / Anna Lanyon
Library: Central Library and Document Center of Shahid Chamran University (Khuzestan)
Subject: Cortes, Martin,--1522-1569,Spain--History--Charles I, 1516-1556,Mexico--History--Conquest, 1519-1540,Mexico--History--Spanish colony, 1540-1810

2. The new world of Martín Cortés /
Author: Anna Lanyon.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Cortés, Hernán,1485-1547-- Family.,Cortés, Martín,1522-1569.,Cortés, Hernán,1485-1547,Cortés, Martín,1522-1569,Conspiracies-- Mexico-- History-- 16th century.,Mestizos-- Mexico, Biography.,Soldiers-- Europe, Biography.,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY-- Historical.,Conspiracies.,Courts and courtiers.,Families.,HISTORY.,Mestizos.,Soldiers.,Mexico, History, Spanish colony, 1540-1810, Biography.,Spain, Court and courtiers, Biography.,Europe.,Mexico.,Spain., 0, 0, 7, 7, 7
Classification :

3. The new world of Martín Cortés /
Author: Anna Lanyon.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Cortés, Hernán,1485-1547-- Family.,Cortés, Martín,1522-1569.,Cortés, Hernán,1485-1547-- Famille.,Cortés, Martín,1532-1589.,Cortés, Hernán,1485-1547,Cortés, Martín,1522-1569,Conspiracies-- Mexico-- History-- 16th century.,Mestizos-- Mexico, Biography.,Soldiers-- Europe, Biography.,Conspiration-- Mexique-- Histoire-- 16e siècle.,Métis-- Mexique, Biographies.,Soldats-- Europe, Biographies.,Conspiracies.,Courts and courtiers.,Families.,Mestizos.,Soldiers.,Mexico, History, Spanish colony, 1540-1810, Biography.,Spain, Court and courtiers, Biography.,Espagne, Cour et courtisans, Biographies.,Mexique, Histoire, 1540-1810 (Colonie espagnole), Biographies.,Europe.,Mexico.,Spain., 0, 0, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7
Classification :